JLPT N3 Grammar Test 04

用心 (youjin): care, precaution, caution

縛り首 (shibarikubi): (death by) hanging

嬉しい (ureshii): happy, glad, pleasant

おかしな: ridiculous, odd

地球外生命 (chikyuugai seimei): extraterrestrial life, ET

奇妙 (kimyou): strange, queer, curious

屋敷 (yashiki): residence, estate, mansion

製品 (seihin): manufactured goods, finished goods, product

機能的 (kinouteki): functional, efficient

大した (taishita): considerable, great, significant

複雑 (fukuzatsu): complex, complicated

高価 (kouka): high price

自然 (shizen): nature, spontaneity, naturally

犯す (okasu): to commit (crime), to violate

罪 (tsumi): crime, sin

桁違い (ketachigai): off by a digit, incomparable

暮らす (kurasu): to live

神聖 (shinsei): holiness, sacredness

ときめき: palpitation, throbbing

形 (katachi): form, shape, figure

体験 (taiken): personal experience

どうやら: it seems like, it appears that

論争 (ronsou): dispute, controversy

丁寧 (teinei): polite; courteous

言い回し (iimawashi): expression; phraseology 


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