
Showing posts with the label JLPT

JLPT N3 Grammar Test

Grammar 01 Grammar 02 Grammar 03 Grammar 04 Grammar 05

JLPT N3 Vocabulary Test

Vocabulary 01 Vocabulary 02 Vocabulary 03 Vocabulary 04 Vocabulary 05

JLPT N3 Kanji Test

Kanji 01   Kanji 02 Kanji 03 Kanji 04 Kanji 05

JLPT N3 Grammar Test 05

Memuat…   町 (machi): town, block, neighborhood 無人島 (mujintou): unpopulated island 接点 (setten): point of contact, tangent point, contact 独立 (dokuritsu): independence 弱い者 (yowai mono): weak person, the weak 毅然 (kizen): fortitude, firmness, resolution 優しい (yasashii): tender, kind, gentle 態度 (taido): attitude, manner, behavior 接する (sessuru): to come in contact with, to touch, to receive (visitors) 血 (chi): blood タオル: (hand) towel 手首 (tekubi): wrist ぎゅっと: hard, tightly 縛る (shibaru): to tie, to bind 傷口 (kizuguchi): wound 消毒 (shoudoku): disinfection, sterilization ひと口 (hitokuchi): mouthful, bite ダイニングルーム: dining room 裏 (ura): rear, back ポーチ: porch 手立て (tedate): means, method 元気づける (genki zukeru): to cheer up 双子 (futago): twins 区別がつく (kubetsu ga tsuku): to tell X from Y, to distinguish 喜び (yorokobi): joy, delight, pleasure 恐ろしい (osoroshii): terrible, dreadful 叫び (sakebi): shout, scream, outcry ためらい: faltering, hesitation

JLPT N3 Grammar Test 04

Memuat… 用心 (youjin): care, precaution, caution 縛り首 (shibarikubi): (death by) hanging 嬉しい (ureshii): happy, glad, pleasant おかしな: ridiculous, odd 地球外生命 (chikyuugai seimei): extraterrestrial life, ET 奇妙 (kimyou): strange, queer, curious 屋敷 (yashiki): residence, estate, mansion 製品 (seihin): manufactured goods, finished goods, product 機能的 (kinouteki): functional, efficient 大した (taishita): considerable, great, significant 複雑 (fukuzatsu): complex, complicated 高価 (kouka): high price 自然 (shizen): nature, spontaneity, naturally 犯す (okasu): to commit (crime), to violate 罪 (tsumi): crime, sin 桁違い (ketachigai): off by a digit, incomparable 暮らす (kurasu): to live 神聖 (shinsei): holiness, sacredness ときめき: palpitation, throbbing 形 (katachi): form, shape, figure 体験 (taiken): personal experience どうやら: it seems like, it appears that 論争 (ronsou): dispute, controversy 丁寧 (teinei): polite; courteous 言い回し (iimawashi): expression; phraseology  

JLPT N3 Grammar Test 03


JLPT N3 Grammar Test 02


JLPT N3 Grammar Test 01


JLPT N3 Vocabulary Test 05

Memuat…   無事 (buji): safety, peace, quietness 意外 (igai): unexpected, surprising 穏やか (odayaka): calm, gentle, quiet 安らか (yasuraka): peaceful, tranquil, restful ホストファミリー: host family 付き合う (tsukiau): to associate with, to go out with 関わる (kakawaru): to have to do with, to be affected 待ち合わせる (machiawaseru): to rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time 別れる (wakareru): to part from, to separate, to bid farewell 文句 (monku): phrase, complaint 感想 (kansou): impression, thoughts 書類 (shorui): documents, official papers きちんと: accurately, neatly 準備 (junbi): preparation, setup, arrangements 世話 (sewa): looking after, help, aid 選択 (sentaku): selection, choice, option 整理 (seiri): sorting, arrangement 喉 (nodo): throat はっきり: clearly, plainly, distinctly ぴったり: exactly, neatly, sharp ぺらぺら: fluent, fluency からから: dried up ふらふら: unsteady on one’s feet, dizzy ぺこぺこ: being very hungry 寝坊 (nebou): sleeping in late 目覚まし時計 (mezamashi tokei): alarm clock 貯金 (chokin): (bank) savings 会計 (kaikei): account,...

JLPT N3 Vocabulary Test 04

Memuat…   経由 (keiyu): go by the way, via 近道 (chikamichi): short way, shortcut 市役所 (shiyakusho): municipal office, city hall 会社員 (kaishain): company employee 昼休み (hiruyasumi): lunch break, noon recess 訪問 (houmon): call, visit 就職活動 (shuushoku katsudou): job hunting, job searching 先輩 (senpai): senior (at work or school) 結婚式 (kekkonshiki): marriage ceremony, wedding 招待 (shoutai): invitation 海外旅行 (kaigai ryokou): vacation abroad 滑る (suberu): to glide, to slide, to slip 進む (susumu): to advance, to go forward ふもと: the foot, the base (of a mountain) 地震 (jishin): earthquake 地面 (jimen): ground, earth’s surface 上下 (jouge): high and low, up and down 見送る (miokuru): to see off, to send off, to escort (home) 景色 (keshiki): scenery, landscape 空港 (kuukou): airport 受け入れる (ukeireru): to accept, to receive パンフレット: brochure, pamphlet 申し込み (moushikomi): application, subscription 最新 (saishin): latest, newest 技術 (gijutsu): art, craft, technique 用事 (youji): tasks, things to do 募集 (boshuu): recruiting, takin...

JLPT N3 Vocabulary Test 03


JLPT N3 Vocabulary Test 02


JLPT N3 Vocabulary Test 01


JLPT N3 Kanji Test 05

Memuat…   自宅 (jitaku): one’s home しょくじ: meal 短時間 (tanjikan): short time 本人 (honnin): the person himself 知り合い (shiriai): acquaintance 実のところ (jitsu no tokoro): as a matter of fact, to tell the truth 着想 (chakusou): conception, idea 刺激: stimulus, incentive 部分 (bubun): portion, section, part 愛国心 (aikokushin): patriotic feelings, patriotism こきょう: home town, birthplace 故国 (kokoku): one’s native land 砂浜 (sunahama): sandy beach メキシコ湾 (mekishikowan): Gulf of Mexico 沈む: to sink, to feel depressed 夕日 (yuuhi): evening sun, setting sun 眺める (nagameru): to view, to gaze at イルカ: dolphin 飛び跳ねる (tobihaneru): to jump up and down, to hop 居心地がよい (igokochi ga yoi): comfortable (to live in), cozy 集中 (shuuchuu): concentration かんきょう: environment, circumstance 相手 (aite): companion, partner, other party 女性 (josei): woman, female 事実 (jijitsu): fact, truth, reality 無視 (mushi): disregard, ignore 最新 (saishin): latest, newest 科学 (kagaku): science かんさつ: observation, survey 多次元 (tajigen): multidimensional 宇宙 (uchuu)...

JLPT N3 Kanji Test 04

Memuat…   経済 (keizai): economics, finance, economy 順応 (junnou): adaptation, sympathy くろう: troubles, hardships 選挙戦 (senkyosen): election campaign 指導者 (shidousha): leader, guide, mentor 無条件 (mujouken): unconditional 対話 (taiwa): dialogue, conversation 応じる (oujiru): to respond, to accept, to comply with 強調 (kyouchou): emphasis, highlight, stress 共演 (kyouen): co-acting, co-starring 最初 (saisho): beginning, outset きんちょう: tension, nervousness 撮影 (satsuei): filming, shooting 仲良く (nakayoku): making friends with, getting along well with 世間 (seken): world, society 影響力 (eikyouryoku): influence, clout 鋭い: pointed, sharp 直感 (chokkan): intuition, instinct, hunch 見抜く (minuku): to see through 高品質 (kouhinshitsu): high quality 商品 (shouhin): commodity, goods, merchandise 外国人 (gaikokujin): foreigner 観光客 (kankoukyaku): tourist 提供 (teikyou): offer, tender 店舗 (tenpo): shop, store 構える (kamaeru): to set up (e.g. a building) 化粧品 (keshouhin): cosmetics はんばい: sales, selling, marketing 出来事 (dekigoto): incident,...

JLPT N3 Kanji Test 03


JLPT N3 Kanji Test 02


JLPT N3 Kanji Test 01


JLPT N4 Grammar Test

Grammar 01   Grammar 02 Grammar 03 Grammar 04 Grammar 05

JLPT N4 Vocabulary Test

Vocabulary 01 Vocabulary 02 Vocabulary 03 Vocabulary 04 Vocabulary 05