JLPT N3 Vocabulary Test 04


経由 (keiyu): go by the way, via

近道 (chikamichi): short way, shortcut

市役所 (shiyakusho): municipal office, city hall

会社員 (kaishain): company employee

昼休み (hiruyasumi): lunch break, noon recess

訪問 (houmon): call, visit

就職活動 (shuushoku katsudou): job hunting, job searching

先輩 (senpai): senior (at work or school)

結婚式 (kekkonshiki): marriage ceremony, wedding

招待 (shoutai): invitation

海外旅行 (kaigai ryokou): vacation abroad

滑る (suberu): to glide, to slide, to slip

進む (susumu): to advance, to go forward

ふもと: the foot, the base (of a mountain)

地震 (jishin): earthquake

地面 (jimen): ground, earth’s surface

上下 (jouge): high and low, up and down

見送る (miokuru): to see off, to send off, to escort (home)

景色 (keshiki): scenery, landscape

空港 (kuukou): airport

受け入れる (ukeireru): to accept, to receive

パンフレット: brochure, pamphlet

申し込み (moushikomi): application, subscription

最新 (saishin): latest, newest

技術 (gijutsu): art, craft, technique

用事 (youji): tasks, things to do

募集 (boshuu): recruiting, taking applications

新入生 (shinnyuusei): freshman, first-year student

趣味 (shumi): hobby, tastes, preference

大会 (taikai): tournament

参加者 (sankasha): participant, entrant

緊張 (kinchou): tension, nervousness

胸 (mune): breast, chest

性格 (seikaku): character, personality

短気 (tanki): quick temper

向く (muku): to be suited to, to be fit for

電気 (denki): electricity, (electric) light

ゆるい: loose, lenient, slow


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