JLPT N3 Grammar Test 05


町 (machi): town, block, neighborhood

無人島 (mujintou): unpopulated island

接点 (setten): point of contact, tangent point, contact

独立 (dokuritsu): independence

弱い者 (yowai mono): weak person, the weak

毅然 (kizen): fortitude, firmness, resolution

優しい (yasashii): tender, kind, gentle

態度 (taido): attitude, manner, behavior

接する (sessuru): to come in contact with, to touch, to receive (visitors)

血 (chi): blood

タオル: (hand) towel

手首 (tekubi): wrist

ぎゅっと: hard, tightly

縛る (shibaru): to tie, to bind

傷口 (kizuguchi): wound

消毒 (shoudoku): disinfection, sterilization

ひと口 (hitokuchi): mouthful, bite

ダイニングルーム: dining room

裏 (ura): rear, back

ポーチ: porch

手立て (tedate): means, method

元気づける (genki zukeru): to cheer up

双子 (futago): twins

区別がつく (kubetsu ga tsuku): to tell X from Y, to distinguish

喜び (yorokobi): joy, delight, pleasure

恐ろしい (osoroshii): terrible, dreadful

叫び (sakebi): shout, scream, outcry

ためらい: faltering, hesitation


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