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Kanji Vocabulary Grammar

JLPT N3 Grammar Test

Grammar 01 Grammar 02 Grammar 03 Grammar 04 Grammar 05

JLPT N3 Vocabulary Test

Vocabulary 01 Vocabulary 02 Vocabulary 03 Vocabulary 04 Vocabulary 05

JLPT N3 Kanji Test

Kanji 01   Kanji 02 Kanji 03 Kanji 04 Kanji 05

JLPT N3 Grammar Test 05

Memuat…   町 (machi): town, block, neighborhood 無人島 (mujintou): unpopulated island 接点 (setten): point of contact, tangent point, contact 独立 (dokuritsu): independence 弱い者 (yowai mono): weak person, the weak 毅然 (kizen): fortitude, firmness, resolution 優しい (yasashii): tender, kind, gentle 態度 (taido): attitude, manner, behavior 接する (sessuru): to come in contact with, to touch, to receive (visitors) 血 (chi): blood タオル: (hand) towel 手首 (tekubi): wrist ぎゅっと: hard, tightly 縛る (shibaru): to tie, to bind 傷口 (kizuguchi): wound 消毒 (shoudoku): disinfection, sterilization ひと口 (hitokuchi): mouthful, bite ダイニングルーム: dining room 裏 (ura): rear, back ポーチ: porch 手立て (tedate): means, method 元気づける (genki zukeru): to cheer up 双子 (futago): twins 区別がつく (kubetsu ga tsuku): to tell X from Y, to distinguish 喜び (yorokobi): joy, delight, pleasure 恐ろしい (osoroshii): terrible, dreadful 叫び (sakebi): shout, scream, outcry ためらい: faltering, hesitation