
JLPT N3 Grammar Test 05

Memuat…   町 (machi): town, block, neighborhood 無人島 (mujintou): unpopulated island 接点 (setten): point of contact, tangent point, contact 独立 (dokuritsu): independence 弱い者 (yowai mono): weak person, the weak 毅然 (kizen): fortitude, firmness, resolution 優しい (yasashii): tender, kind, gentle 態度 (taido): attitude, manner, behavior 接する (sessuru): to come in contact with, to touch, to receive (visitors) 血 (chi): blood タオル: (hand) towel 手首 (tekubi): wrist ぎゅっと: hard, tightly 縛る (shibaru): to tie, to bind 傷口 (kizuguchi): wound 消毒 (shoudoku): disinfection, sterilization ひと口 (hitokuchi): mouthful, bite ダイニングルーム: dining room 裏 (ura): rear, back ポーチ: porch 手立て (tedate): means, method 元気づける (genki zukeru): to cheer up 双子 (futago): twins 区別がつく (kubetsu ga tsuku): to tell X from Y, to distinguish 喜び (yorokobi): joy, delight, pleasure 恐ろしい (osoroshii): terrible, dreadful 叫び (sakebi): shout, scream, outcry ためらい: faltering, hesitation

JLPT N3 Grammar Test 04

Memuat… 用心 (youjin): care, precaution, caution 縛り首 (shibarikubi): (death by) hanging 嬉しい (ureshii): happy, glad, pleasant おかしな: ridiculous, odd 地球外生命 (chikyuugai seimei): extraterrestrial life, ET 奇妙 (kimyou): strange, queer, curious 屋敷 (yashiki): residence, estate, mansion 製品 (seihin): manufactured goods, finished goods, product 機能的 (kinouteki): functional, efficient 大した (taishita): considerable, great, significant 複雑 (fukuzatsu): complex, complicated 高価 (kouka): high price 自然 (shizen): nature, spontaneity, naturally 犯す (okasu): to commit (crime), to violate 罪 (tsumi): crime, sin 桁違い (ketachigai): off by a digit, incomparable 暮らす (kurasu): to live 神聖 (shinsei): holiness, sacredness ときめき: palpitation, throbbing 形 (katachi): form, shape, figure 体験 (taiken): personal experience どうやら: it seems like, it appears that 論争 (ronsou): dispute, controversy 丁寧 (teinei): polite; courteous 言い回し (iimawashi): expression; phraseology  

JLPT N3 Grammar Test 03


JLPT N3 Grammar Test 02


JLPT N3 Grammar Test 01


JLPT N3 Vocabulary Test 05

Memuat…   無事 (buji): safety, peace, quietness 意外 (igai): unexpected, surprising 穏やか (odayaka): calm, gentle, quiet 安らか (yasuraka): peaceful, tranquil, restful ホストファミリー: host family 付き合う (tsukiau): to associate with, to go out with 関わる (kakawaru): to have to do with, to be affected 待ち合わせる (machiawaseru): to rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time 別れる (wakareru): to part from, to separate, to bid farewell 文句 (monku): phrase, complaint 感想 (kansou): impression, thoughts 書類 (shorui): documents, official papers きちんと: accurately, neatly 準備 (junbi): preparation, setup, arrangements 世話 (sewa): looking after, help, aid 選択 (sentaku): selection, choice, option 整理 (seiri): sorting, arrangement 喉 (nodo): throat はっきり: clearly, plainly, distinctly ぴったり: exactly, neatly, sharp ぺらぺら: fluent, fluency からから: dried up ふらふら: unsteady on one’s feet, dizzy ぺこぺこ: being very hungry 寝坊 (nebou): sleeping in late 目覚まし時計 (mezamashi tokei): alarm clock 貯金 (chokin): (bank) savings 会計 (kaikei): account, fin

JLPT N3 Vocabulary Test 04

Memuat…   経由 (keiyu): go by the way, via 近道 (chikamichi): short way, shortcut 市役所 (shiyakusho): municipal office, city hall 会社員 (kaishain): company employee 昼休み (hiruyasumi): lunch break, noon recess 訪問 (houmon): call, visit 就職活動 (shuushoku katsudou): job hunting, job searching 先輩 (senpai): senior (at work or school) 結婚式 (kekkonshiki): marriage ceremony, wedding 招待 (shoutai): invitation 海外旅行 (kaigai ryokou): vacation abroad 滑る (suberu): to glide, to slide, to slip 進む (susumu): to advance, to go forward ふもと: the foot, the base (of a mountain) 地震 (jishin): earthquake 地面 (jimen): ground, earth’s surface 上下 (jouge): high and low, up and down 見送る (miokuru): to see off, to send off, to escort (home) 景色 (keshiki): scenery, landscape 空港 (kuukou): airport 受け入れる (ukeireru): to accept, to receive パンフレット: brochure, pamphlet 申し込み (moushikomi): application, subscription 最新 (saishin): latest, newest 技術 (gijutsu): art, craft, technique 用事 (youji): tasks, things to do 募集 (boshuu): recruiting, taking ap